DSPS Accommodated Testing
Request DSPS Proctored Exams online
In an effort to improve the process and limit paper forms passing between students, DSPS and faculty we will be utilizing the DSPS Online Portal (AIM) to schedule all exams.
Please review the following before scheduling a test with DSPS:
- You must send a faculty notification letter before arranging any type of DSPS accommodation, including test proctoring.
- You must have testing accommodations in order to use this service, and your instructor must submit a testing agreement for DSPS to proctor your tests.
Using your testing accommodations
- The student will send the course instructor a faculty notification letter via the DSPS Student Portal AIM. The testing accommodation (extension of time allowed, for example) is outlined in this letter and serves as authorization for the instructor to increase the test/quiz time.
- If the instructor needs assistance setting up the testing accommodation, please contact the DSPS testing services office.
If an instructor is unable to provide your testing accommodations, exams can be proctored by DSPS at their Alternative Testing Centers on the SLO and North County Campuses.
In order to ensure that student accommodations and instructors' exam requirements are met for DSPS proctored exams, students will need to work closely with their instructor to determine a suitable exam schedule, including times when the DSPS Testing Center hours do not overlap with the class schedule.
- Each semester, select Testing Accommodations in AIM as part of sending the Faculty Notification Letters.
- Discuss your accommodations with your instructor and determine whether or not you will be taking your exams at the DSPS Testing Center.
- If taking your exams at the DSPS Testing Center, ensure your instructor completes the necessary Alternative Testing Agreement.
- How To Schedule an In-Person Exam