Parking permit fees are non-refundable once the semester or session begins. Refer to the Cuesta College catalog for information on full and partial refunds. The parking permit fee is not an eligible tax credit fee. For semester term start and end dates, click here for the academic calendar. 

Motorcycles can not be added to automobile permits as an additional vehicle. Motorcycles require motorcycle permits and must park in designated motorcycle parking spaces. 


State law and the California Education code regulates college and university parking programs.  The San Luis Obispo County Community College District Board of Trustees has established Rules and Regulations to control traffic and parking safety on the college campus as prescribed under Section 21113 of the California Vehicle Code. 

The program of "pay for parking" on campus is based on the concept that parking facilities must be paid for by the user. Money collected for parking permits reimburses the college for the cost of operating and managing parking facilities. Enforcement of the parking regulations is the responsibility of the Cuesta College Police Department.

If you have any questions regarding parking permits, please call the Cuesta College Police Department at 805-546-3205 or email us at