Dr. Todd Hampton

Assistant Superintendent/Vice President
Administrative Services
Building 5800
(805) 546-3120

Administrative Services' role is to provide leadership and assistance for the overall administrative functions of the District by ensuring adequate financial resources, facilities, equipment and services to support the education program and support services.  These functions include: financial planning, maintaining property and liability, health and student insurance, risk management, facilities planning and construction, maintenance of buildings and grounds, public safety, purchasing, accounts receivable and payable, mailroom, communications, computer services and the bookstore.

The Assistant Superintendent/Vice President is responsible for the management of all functions of Administrative Services including:


VPAS Org Chart
VPAS Org Chart (list format)

To contact the Administrative Services Department Staff:
Karen Valine, Administrative Assistant


(used for filing District insurance claims)
The Property Damage Report is to be completed if property damage is significant enough that a District insurance claim would be filed. Damage may include fire, significant water intrusion, wind, hazardous materials, or accident involving a District vehicle, among others. Procedure is to complete the report as thoroughly as possible and attach photos, if available. All other incidences that are minor in nature are to be routed through the District's work order ticketing system.

Property Damage Report (Internal SSO User)
Property Damage Report (External Non-Cuesta User)