Directions to Cuesta College
San Luis Obispo Campus:
Take Highway 101 to San Luis Obispo, then take Highway 1 north (Morro Bay and Hearst
Castle exit) to one of two Cuesta College entrances. The main Administration Building
is directly in front of the west entrance to the college.
Directions to Cuesta College
North County Campus:
From Highway 101 north or south, exit at Highway 46 east in Paso Robles. Take Highway
46 east to Buena Vista Drive and turn left on Buena Vista for approximately one mile.
Administration is in the Campus Center in front of the parking lot facing Buena Vista
Directions to Cuesta College
South County Center:
From Highway 101 north, exit at Traffic Way in Arroyo Grande. Continue to the Fair
Oaks intersection and turn left on Fair Oaks and left on Orchard Street. From Highway
101 south, exit at Fair Oaks in Arroyo Grande. Take Fair Oaks east to Orchard Street
and turn left. The Office is in room 920 of the 900 wing of Arroyo Grande High School,
just past the intersection of Orchard Street and West Cherry Avenue.