President's Office
Message from the President
Welcome to Cuesta College, I’m so glad you are taking time to explore our website.
The San Luis Obispo County Community College District Board of Trustees and Cuesta
College focus is instructional excellence in support of student success. We are here
to assist you in completion of your educational goals of transfer, associate degree
and certificate programs, workforce development, and community education.
On behalf of the faculty, staff, and administration, I encourage you to engage in the activities designed to enrich your learning experience. There are a wide variety of artistic and cultural events, student organizations, and athletic competitions to explore. There are comprehensive student support services easily accessible and tailored to meet student needs.
Cuesta College is located on the central coast, providing a welcoming educational environment in a beautiful location. Come visit to learn more about the exceptional programs we offer, our great history, and become part of our bright future!
I look forward to seeing you on campus,
Jill Stearns, Ph.D.