Canvas Student Orientation Videos
Cuesta College has adopted Canvas as its college-supported learning management system (LMS).
Prospective students considering enrolling in a Online-learning course are encouraged to complete the Quest for Success online Module and discover if they have the necessary academic characteristics to be successful Online learners.
Video Training:
Note: Not all faculty use all the features highlighted in these videos, and some faculty might use other websites or publisher sites to enhance their course and your experience (make sure to review additional tutorials once you are in your specific course).
- Canvas Overview (Video)
- Assignments Overview (Video)
- Assignment Submissions (Video)
- Calendar (Video)
- Chat (Video)
- Collaborations (Video)
- Communication (Video)
- Discussions (Video)
- ePortfolios (Video)
- Files (Video)
- Grades (Video)
- Groups: Creation & Interaction for Students (Video)
- Peer Reviews (Video)
- Quizzes (Video)
- Canvas Student for iOS
- Canvas Student for Android
Step by step guides helpful in making your learning experience successful: Canvas Student Guide
Note: Canvas has 24 hour support and Cuesta College has local support
Other Tutorials for other 3rd Party Apps used in Canvas