Records FAQs
How do I order an official Cuesta College transcript?
Order official academic transcripts online through myCuesta. Click the Order Official Transcripts button in the myCuesta portal. Cost is $6.50 per transcript and processing time is 1-3 business days. Other options are posted online at How to Order Transcripts.
Can I order a transcript by fax?
No. Fax is not a secure transmission method for safeguarding personal data.
Why can't I order a transcript by phone or by e-mail?
In accordance with Cuesta College policy as well as with state and federal privacy laws, your signature, which includes electronic authentication or signature is required for release of your academic transcript.
What if I need special handling, attachments, or don’t want to order online?
You may still place your order online and mark there is an attachment with your order. Follow the instructions provided to printout a confirmation page to fax with your attachment which will then be sent in the same envelope via US mail to the address provided.
Visit How to Order Transcripts for information on how to order transcripts by mailing a written request if you do not wish to order transcripts online. Check or money order, payable to Cuesta College, must accompany the form. Cost is $3.00 per transcript order and processing time is 3-4 weeks.
To what address do I mail my transcript order?
The mailing address is: Cuesta College Records Office, PO Box 8106, San Luis Obispo CA 93403-8106.
Can I obtain an unofficial Cuesta College transcript for my own use?
Yes. Unofficial transcripts may accessed online through your myCuesta web portal. Go to the Student Self Service button and then click on “Student Records.” You may also order official transcripts by paper order form available at Admissions, Student Records and Registration. You are entitled to two free transcripts ever. Allow 3-4 weeks processing time.
How much does an official transcript cost?
Costs are posted online under “How to Order Transcripts.”
Why does it take so long to get my transcripts when publications state that they are usually produced within three business days?
Three business days is the length of processing time within the Cuesta College Records Office from the date your order is submitted online and 3-4 weeks if submitted by mail, and does not account for mailing and delivery time to or from Cuesta College. USPS mail delivery, and mail processing times at other destinations (including institutions), are variables over which Cuesta College has no control, so we can only advise you of our processing time.
Can I get a transcript order processed in fewer than three days?
If you have no debts or obligations, your online transcript order may be processed immediately but we can only guarantee completion of order by three business days. We do not have express or same-day service.
What is the difference in processing time between sending my transcript by regular USPS mail and holding it for pickup?
There is no difference in processing time. When you order online, you will be notified via email or text on the status of your order.
Can I have my transcript faxed?
No, official transcripts may be sent electronically to Cuesta College if authenticated and delivered (not by email attachment or fax) by the other institution.
Can I have a transcript downloaded or sent electronically?
Yes, official transcripts, authenticated and delivered by the other institution sent directly to Cuesta College are accepted.
What if my transcript does not arrive?
If your transcript does not arrive after 30 days from the date of your Transcripts Plus order, notify the Cuesta College Records by Notifications of non-receipt are accepted up to 90 days after your order date. After 90 days, you must place a new order.
How does a third party, such as a creditor or employer, verify a student's enrollment or degree (obtain proof of enrollment)?
Cuesta College has partnered with the National Student Clearinghouse to provide students, alumni, lending institutions, employers, and other organizations the ability to obtain immediate (24/7), affordable, online enrollment and/or degree verification. Costs for third-party services vary and are set by the Clearinghouse.
How do I obtain verification for an auto insurance good-student discount?
Login to myCuesta and go to the Student Self Service portlet. On the right, click on Student Records then Enrollment Verification. You can create a PDF document that can be printed of emailed
My records have been subpoenaed, but I don't want anyone to have them. How can I prevent the University from turning over my records to the court?
Cuesta College must comply with any and all subpoena for records or it may be found to be in contempt of court. A subpoena for records can be quashed, but the quash is a motion of the court. Consult with your attorney. If you notify us that proceedings for a quash are in progress, you must subsequently forward to us the court motion to quash. If the University does not receive official court documents of a quash, it is bound to comply with the demands of the original subpoena.
If you still have questions or need help after reading FAQs, email to