At Cuesta College, we're committed to helping every student succeed in their academic journey. As part of this commitment, we want to make sure that students receiving financial aid are making satisfactory progress towards their degree or eligible certificate program. This document provides an overview of what it means to meet Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP).


As required by Federal and State regulations, students who receive financial aid must maintain satisfactory academic progress (SAP) as they work toward a degree or eligible certificate program. These academic standards apply to all students requesting financial aid, regardless of their prior financial aid history.  These standards may be different from the College’s academic standing standards and apply to all coursework taken whether or not financial aid was received in the past.



If a student attempts more than 150% of the units required to complete the educational goal (degree or certificate) that they have declared to Admissions, Student Records and Registration, they are ineligible for federal student aid.

Educational Goal

Units required to complete goal

Maximum units allowed

Associate Degree



Transfer requirements



Certificate program*



*Certain certificate programs (e.g. nursing) require more than 24 units to complete and this higher amount will be used to calculate eligibility in the SAP review process. In some cases, however, an appeal may still be requested in order to document eligibility.

We want to empower students to navigate their educational journey successfully. That's why we encourage students to schedule a meeting with an academic counselor to develop a comprehensive Full Educational Plan. This plan will help ensure students are on track with their financial aid eligible educational program. 


Under federal regulation, the Financial Aid Office has the authority to take actions such as placing a student on warning, probation, or suspension, if a student’s academic history shows a pattern of inability or lack of progress. This might include multiple withdrawals or enrollment inconsistent with the student’s educational objective. If a student’s grades are not yet posted, any financial aid award offered is tentative until the academic record is reviewed. 


The Financial Aid office evaluates SAP at the end of each semester to determine students’ eligibility for financial aid. Based on their academic performance, a student is placed in one of the following statuses:


We understand that unexpected circumstances can arise, which is why the Financial Aid Office has established an appeal review process based on extenuating circumstances. This process follows federal guidelines to fairly determine if a student can be reinstated for financial aid. The Financial Aid Office may request additional documentation during the review process to ensure accuracy and fairness.  While the appeal is in the review process, students should be prepared to pay for their educational expenses, including required books and materials, using their own resources. 

A SAP appeal application must be submitted within the semester the student is requesting aid eligibility. The last day to submit a SAP appeal application for any given semester is 3 weeks before the final day of classes for that semester.  SAP appeal application that are submitted after a semester ends will only be considered for the next semester. We cannot review retroactive appeals. A student can expect to receive a decision on their SAP appeal via email within 45 days from the date of submission, provided the appeal application is complete. Submitting a SAP appeal application does not guarantee reinstatement of financial aid.  



Appeal decisions are made on a case-by-case basis and may require the student to provide additional documentation for further review. 

All appeals must contain:

  1. A complete SAP appeal form for the correct award year;
  2.  A clear, personal statement detailing the reasons for not meeting SAP standards, including a plan of action outlining the steps what will be taken to meet SAP standards
  3. A completed online SAP workshop; this is required. With their application, the student needs to submit the completion certificate to show successful participation and completion of the workshop.
  4. A Comprehensive Student Education Plan (CSEP), created by one of our academic counselors. The CSEP must show all the courses required to complete the student’s studies at Cuesta, and when those courses will be taken.

To complete and submit a SAP Appeal Form and required documentation, visit our document submission site and use the [+ - Request] button in the upper-right to request an appeal.      

You will also be required to submit a SAP workshop completion certificate. SAP workshop found here: 


Appeals must be complete and submitted 3 weeks before the final day of the classes for the semester which you are appealing. If you are in the Psych Tech program, please call the office for the deadline.