Clery Act
Daily Crime Log & Clery Geography Map
The "Clery Act" is a Federal law which requires colleges and universities to publish an Annual Security Report (ASR) by October 1st of each year. In compliance with the Department of Education and the Jeanne Clery Act, the Cuesta College Police Departments' ASR is accessible by clicking the link above. The ASR contains three years of crime statistics and policy statements including: sexual assault policies, victim’s rights, the law enforcement authority of campus police, and procedures for reporting crimes. The ASR also contains many useful crime prevention tips, and emergency procedures for the college district.
The Cuesta College Police Department is responsible for providing the gathered statistics and safety information to all students, staff, faculty, visitors and prospective students and employees of the District. The crime statistics contained within the ASR concern reported crimes occurring on campus, in certain off-campus buildings or property owned or controlled by Cuesta College, and on public property within, or immediately adjacent to and accessible from the campus.
A hardcopy of this report is also available for review at both our San Luis Obispo Campus and North County Campus public safety offices. If you have any questions or concerns about the ASR, or you would like further information about public safety services and crime prevention, please contact us by email at: or by calling 805-546-3205.
Campus Security Authority (CSA)
The Clery Act requires collecting and publishing statistics for crimes that occur on campus property and in certain other campus-associated locations. Because not all crimes are reported to Police, the Clery Act requires other campus staff, defined as Campus Security Authorities (CSAs), to tell campus Police about crimes reported to them. A CSA is a campus employee with significant responsibility for student and campus activities or staff designated as individuals or departments to whom crimes should be reported. Crime reports from CSAs are included in annual statistics, the daily crime log, and assessed for the possibility of a campus alert to warn the community about ongoing risks.
Links for Campus Security Authorities (CSAs):
CSA Information & Resources
CSA Report Form
CSA Reporting Procedures
CSA Reporting Guide
Clery Act Crime Definitions