The application deadline for the Cuesta College Promise Scholarship is fast approaching. Recently graduated students of San Luis Obispo County high schools have until August 1 to apply for the scholarship and receive their 2016-17 academic year at Cuesta College fee-free. The Promise Scholarship saves students an average of $1,400 by providing a fee-free first year to recent San Luis Obispo County high school graduates.

For assistance with filling out the application, email or call the Financial Aid Department at (805) 546-3143.

The Promise Scholarship is the result of a more than $8 million donation to the Cuesta College Foundation from the Charles and Leeta Dovica Family Trust, who requested the funds be used for scholarships. The scholarship endowment, created in the fall of 2013, pays for the per-unit cost of classes, health fees, Associated Students of Cuesta College fees, materials fees, Student Center fees, and the Student Rep fee. Approximately $344K in scholarships have been provided by the earnings of the endowment. For more information, go to and click on the Promise icon.