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StatusThe status column refers to the enrollment status of the course. Statuses are color-coded to represent whether the student is allowed to enroll (green) , enrollment is restricted due to further requirements (yellow), or blocked from enrollment (red). The status options that may be displayed are listed below.
Back to top CRNCRN refers to the "Course Reference Number" assigned to a course, formerly referred to as a section number. A CRN is a 5-digit number that is entered in the myCuesta Registration Worksheet to register for classes. Each term/session is assigned a unique starting number as noted below. When multiple terms are available in a registration cycle, it is important to enter the correct CRN assigned to the term the student wishes to enroll. Students who have received an add code from the instructor to register after the course has begun must first enter the CRN and then submit the add code (4-digit number). CRN numbering assigned to term:
Cred"Cred" refers to the credit or unit value of the course. Credit courses vary from 0.5 to 5.0 credits. One credit equals one hour of lecture per week for one semester; one credit lab courses can be up to 3 hours. A student is considered full-time when enrolled in 12 credits for Fall/Spring semester and 9 credits for Summer session. For each credit, an additional 2 hours of study time outside of class is recommended for student success. Example of credits and hours of study per week for a full-time student enrolled in 12 credits: Non-credit courses are listed with a value of 0.0. Type
DLEC/DLAB are online classes that do not meet at regular set times. These are classes that typically are listed as DE. MLEC/MLAB are classes with mandatory in-person meeting times. SLEC/SLAB are online classes with regular schedules meeting times. Students are expected to attend the set times and dates through a platform like Zoom. TLEC/TLAB are TBA or to be arranged classes where students work independently most of the time with periodic one-on-one meetings with the instructor. Days listed refers to the days of the week the class will have scheduled meetings. Abbreviations for days of the week are listed below. M=Monday; T=Tuesday, W=Wednesday, R=Thursday, F=Friday, S=Saturday; U=Sunday Distance learning courses will have no days listed. Some distance learning courses may require mandatory meetings as noted in the comments section of the course. Students are advised to visit the Distance Learning web site for important information, including computer system requirements, before enrolling. Times listed refer to the scheduled meeting times of the course. There may be multiple rows appearing due to scheduled break times or change in rooms for lab time. The course will meet during each row listed if multiple rows appear. Times listed as TBA refer to hours "To Be Announced" by the instructor or listed in the comments section and may include additional hours beyond regularly scheduled class times listed. Distance learning courses will have TBA listed for times. Some distance learning courses may require mandatory meetings as noted in the comments section of the course. Students are advised to visit the Distance Learning web site for important information, including computer system requirements before enrolling. LocationThe location refers to the campus or site that the course is scheduled. The campus or site for the course is listed first, followed by the room number where the course will meet at that site. Abbreviations for locations are listed below.
EnrolledThe enrolled number refers to the number of students enrolled or seats filled in the course in real-time. The capacity number refers to the maximum capacity of enrollments or seats assigned to the course. The open number refers to the available number of seats or available for enrollment in the course. A number with "waiting" refers to the number of students who have placed themselves on the waitlist for a course that has previously closed. Click on the waiting link to view waitlist capacity. Not all courses have waitlist slots, such as restricted or cross-listed classes. There is also a limit to the number of waitlist slots assigned to each course. "C/L" refers to cross-listed courses. Typically, cross-listed courses are different levels of instruction such as beginning, intermediate, or advanced in a shared classroom with the same instructor. Cross listed courses are linked together in a group and assigned to the same date, time, room, and instructor with a combined capacity but different CRNs. An example of cross-listed courses is one classroom where Math 007-Prealgebra, Math 123-Elementary Algebra, and Math 127-Intermediate Algebra meet but each course has a separate CRN with a combined capacity of 30 seats. Click on the C/L link to view cross-list seat assignments and capacity. The last name, first initial of the instructor or instructor(s) assigned to the course is displayed. TBA means the instructor is "To Be Announced" and has not yet been assigned by the division or department. The start and end date refers to the week the course begins and ends, which typically begins the Monday and ends with the Friday of the starting/ending week(s) of instruction. However, the class will meet within the week of instruction on the day(s) and times listed, excluding holidays and Flex Days for most courses. Some Nursing/Allied health courses or courses in special programs, including non-credit classes, may have scheduled instructional days on holidays and Flex Days as advised by the instructor of the course. The number listed refers to the number of weeks the course meets. Full-term courses for the Fall and Spring semester meet 18 weeks; Summer session courses meet 4 to 8 weeks. Courses that meet less than the maximum number of weeks in a semester or summer session are considered short-term courses in reference to add and drop deadlines. The codes listed under option refers to the grading code assigned for the course and if it is possible to change the grading option to "pass/no-pass" grading.