Picture of Cynthia WilshusenCynthia Wilshusen

Instructional Designer, Distance Education Coordinator, Business Education Faculty,
Certified Peer Online Course Reviewer

805-591-6200 ext. 4531

Support Questions should be directed to defaculty_support@cuesta.edu  

Cynthia Wilshusen is the Full-time Tenure Instructional Designer, available to assist faculty with a variety of needs. Her specialties include course design, accessibility, effective contact, and coordinating external applications (such as Office Suite, Google drive, Adobe suite, Camtasia, Paint, TechSmith, and more). She is also familiar with establishing connections with publisher content / software and more advanced resources like creating HTML pages, TurnitIn, and eBooks. Cynthia is well versed several Learning Management Systems such as Blackboard, Moodle, and Canvas. Please feel free to sign up for a workshop/webinar, drop in her open lab, or set an appointment (see the training schedule for more details).

Cynthia began teaching at Cuesta College Part-Time in Computer Applications and Business Education starting in Fall of 1999, and started teaching online at Cuesta College in 2002, when there was little to no support for faculty, and most of her knowledge is self-taught. She completed her MBA in Accounting fully online in 2004, where she had the opportunity to experience the online education process from a student perspective. In addition to teaching at Cuesta College she has been contracted to develop fully online courses at other institutions, taking a face to face class to an online setting.
OEI Peer Online Course Review BadgeCynthia takes pride in continually learning more about online education and stays current in trends and technology by attending the Online Teaching Conference Annually. In 2010 she became a certified online instructor through @one. In addition in 2014 she was invited to take part in the Online Education Initiative (OEI) and is certified as Peer Online Course Reviewer (POCR). Knowing how complex designing and facilitating online courses can be, she is excited to be part of a team that can provide resources, training and support for other faculty.